Here are the decklists: Aggro Bounce (Amber/Amethyst) VS Discard (Amber/Emerald) from our recent gameplay video which can be found over on our YouTube channel HERE.

This deck contains 60 cards from the Amber and Amethyst inks. There are a total of 30 Amber cards and 30 Amethyst cards. A total of 50 Characters, 2 Items and 8 Locations. There are 16 inkable and 44 non-inkable cards.

2x Baloo – von Bruinwald XIII, 4x Kida – Atlantean, 4x Kida – Protector of Atlantis, 4x Lilo – Making a Wish, 4x Madam Mim – Fox, 4x Madam Mim – Snake, 4x Maleficent – Biding Her Time, 4x Merlin – Goat, 4x Pascal – Rapunzel’s Companion, 4x Pinocchio – Star Attraction, 4x Piglet – Pooh Pirate Captain, 4x Simba – Protective Cub, 4x Wendy Darling – Talented Sailor.
2x The Sorcerer’s Spellbook.
4x Never Land – Mermaid Lagoon, 4x The Queen’s Castle – Mirror Chamber.

This deck contains 60 cards from the Amber and Emerald inks. There are a total of 30 Amber cards and 30 Emerald cards. A total of 42 Characters and 18 Action cards, 15 of which are songs. There are 46 inkable and 14 non-inkable cards.

3x Cursed Merfolk – Ursula’s Handiwork, 3x Daisy Duck – Secret Agent, 3x Flynn Rider – Charming Rogue, 4x Hades – Lord of the Underworld, 3x Lucifer – Cunning Cat, 4x Prince John – Greediest of All, 3x Rapunzel – Gifted with Healing, 4x Simba – Protective Cub, 4x The Queen – Commanding Presence, 4x The Queen – Regal Monarch, 3x Ursula – Deceiver, 4x Ursula – Deceiver of All.
4x Be Our Guest, 3x Strike A Good Match, 4x Sudden Chill, 4x The Bare Necessities, 3x You Have Forgotten Me.

Watch the Gameplay Video
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